Seven Deadly Sins
Seven, seven, seven--deadly sins
That's how the world begins
Watch out when you step in
For seven deadly sins
Seven deadly sins
That's when the fun begins
('Seven Deadly Sins' by The Travelling Wilburys)
Ya..PR selanjutnya yg harus di kerjakan dari imron...
Seven things that scare you:
1. Alone
2. Kecoa terbang
3. Kesetrum
4. Berbuat kesalahan
5. Loose my faith
6. Orang gila
7. Ditabrak
Seven things you like most:
1. Joe
2. Tidy room
3. My plan works
4. Being loved
5. My friends
6. Music
7. Having fun with my family
Seven important things in your bedroom:
1. Bersih
2. Bantal guling yg empuk
3. Sprei yang bersih dan dingin
4. Cemilan
5. Musik
6. Tv
7. Barang2 pribadiku
Seven random facts about you:
1. Jutek
2. Ada yg gak beres, marah!
3. Detail Oriented
4. Pengen sempurna
5. Susah Gemuk
6. Setia
7. Banyak maunya..hehe
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Get merried and have a great family
2. Jadi kebanggaan keluarga
3. Lebih dekat dgn Yang Di Atas
4. Menjadi lebih putih..hehe
5. Menjadi ibu dan istri yang baik
6. Buka usaha sendiri
7. Bikin senang orang tua
Seven things you can do:
1. Sing
2. Sleep
3. Dance
4. Berenang
5. Akting
6. Begadang
7. Marah
Seven things you can't do:
1. Bawa mobil
2. Melihat tanpa kacamata..hiks
3. Jadi penjilat
4. Menyakiti hewan
5. Menyukai anak orang (anak kecil maksudnya)..hehe
6. Terbang..walau pengen banget
7. Sendirian
Seven things that attract you to opposite sex:
1. Kulit (Putih)
2. Mata
3. Rambut
4. Body scents..slurp..
5. Bau mulut..yummy..
6. Cara bicara
7. Cara Berfikir tentunya
Seven things you say the most:
1. Ya sud..
2. Uuh...
3. Truuusss...
4. Dih!
5. Lah!
6. Bulbul..
7. yuuuk
Seven celeb crushes (whether local or foreign):
1. Josh Harnnet
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
Seven people you want to see to take this quiz:
1. You
2. Kamu
3. Elo
4. Dikau
5. Maneh
6. Kamyu
7. Adikku..hehehe
PR Selesai..dag!
That's how the world begins
Watch out when you step in
For seven deadly sins
Seven deadly sins
That's when the fun begins
('Seven Deadly Sins' by The Travelling Wilburys)
Ya..PR selanjutnya yg harus di kerjakan dari imron...
Seven things that scare you:
1. Alone
2. Kecoa terbang
3. Kesetrum
4. Berbuat kesalahan
5. Loose my faith
6. Orang gila
7. Ditabrak
Seven things you like most:
1. Joe
2. Tidy room
3. My plan works
4. Being loved
5. My friends
6. Music
7. Having fun with my family
Seven important things in your bedroom:
1. Bersih
2. Bantal guling yg empuk
3. Sprei yang bersih dan dingin
4. Cemilan
5. Musik
6. Tv
7. Barang2 pribadiku
Seven random facts about you:
1. Jutek
2. Ada yg gak beres, marah!
3. Detail Oriented
4. Pengen sempurna
5. Susah Gemuk
6. Setia
7. Banyak maunya..hehe
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Get merried and have a great family
2. Jadi kebanggaan keluarga
3. Lebih dekat dgn Yang Di Atas
4. Menjadi lebih putih..hehe
5. Menjadi ibu dan istri yang baik
6. Buka usaha sendiri
7. Bikin senang orang tua
Seven things you can do:
1. Sing
2. Sleep
3. Dance
4. Berenang
5. Akting
6. Begadang
7. Marah
Seven things you can't do:
1. Bawa mobil
2. Melihat tanpa kacamata..hiks
3. Jadi penjilat
4. Menyakiti hewan
5. Menyukai anak orang (anak kecil maksudnya)..hehe
6. Terbang..walau pengen banget
7. Sendirian
Seven things that attract you to opposite sex:
1. Kulit (Putih)
2. Mata
3. Rambut
4. Body scents..slurp..
5. Bau mulut..yummy..
6. Cara bicara
7. Cara Berfikir tentunya
Seven things you say the most:
1. Ya sud..
2. Uuh...
3. Truuusss...
4. Dih!
5. Lah!
6. Bulbul..
7. yuuuk
Seven celeb crushes (whether local or foreign):
1. Josh Harnnet
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
Seven people you want to see to take this quiz:
1. You
2. Kamu
3. Elo
4. Dikau
5. Maneh
6. Kamyu
7. Adikku..hehehe
PR Selesai..dag!