Friends, According the test (Blogthing) Italian name is
Your Italian Name Is... |
Farfalla Ricci |
And my Hawaiian name is ..
Your Hawaiian Name is: |
Roselani Nana |
and my French name is..
Your French Name is: |
Bonamy Brassard |
But maybe in a different world, when i pay my bill as Sexi Dancer (Whuahahahaha..) my name will be...
Exotic Dancer Name Is... |
Diva |
The last one..since the Pirates of Carrabian has starting again at the Movie theater..well my pirate name is...
Your Pirate Name Is... |
Lord Right Eye Rita |
They don't know that i'm wearing keep silence..huehehehehe..
So..friends..please call me Ricci, Roselani or perhaps Bonamy. Please STOP calling me Green Dancer or Diva!!Grrr...
lucu juga tuh
gonta ganti nama nya :D
Posted by mutiara nauli pohan | 1:18 PM